Crested Butte September 2001 - Wedding

Pictured from left to right: Pete, Dave,
Camp, Jay, Paul, Vicky, Michael, Anthony and Lambert (kneeling).
This is from one of Dave's favorite rides:
401 at the top of Schofield Pass, Crested Butte (approx. 11,500 feet). (Not
sure about spelling of Schofield.)
This was the ride we took the morning of
Dave's wedding. Leslie was concerned that we make it back to town by 3:00 p.m.
The wedding was at 4:00. We stopped to take a lot of pictures at the summit,
but we got Dave back in time for the ceremony! - Vicky

Actually this picture is from the
day after Dave & Leslie's wedding in CB. Dave, Lambert and Marvin
did a short ride to Green Lake. On the way back Lambert, somewhat of a beginner
on the mountain bike,
gave Dave a lesson in switchbacks, much to the displeasure of Dave. - Marvin